I am a college student who do my Bachelor Degree in Universiti Utara Malaysia, Kedah, Malaysia. This year is my 3rd year of study and also my last year in this place.
I found that the weather here is changing quickly and uncertain. It was totally different from my first year here. This is because the pollution caused the uncertainty of weather. Sometimes, it is very hot and sometimes it is freezing.
So, i decided to share my opinion and ideas here. The Earth is in danger!!! Our human personal behavior and selfishness has make the Earth pollution. We has endanger our own planet.
We must protect it now. Hope my information will help to create awareness in you. Let Start NOW!!
Earth Day is a day of environmental awareness. We share some motivational quotes that are perfect for Earth Day. Read Earth Day Motivational Quotes and share them with your friends to spread the message of Earth Day.